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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 47: e123, 2023.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37654793


The health system in Chile is well developed, with broad national coverage. However, organizational limitations necessitate urgent structural reform due to a lack of resources and poor performance, with segmentation and inequity. The government's program for 2022-2026 proposes substantial reforms aimed at creating a universal health system. Other reform proposals formulated by various government programs and commissions, as well as think tanks, provide useful inputs to contextualize the government proposal.Different types of models coexist in the health system: public insurance is based on a social security model, the public system provides free care to the insured population, and private insurance and private care providers work on a market basis. The proposed system would function on the national health system model, combining a predominant national health service (Beveridge model) with a complementary social security system (Bismarck model), depending on the need for funding. With a focus on social project evaluation, the relevance (internal coherence and external alignment) and political and economic feasibility of the contents of the government program were reviewed. The proposal has internal coherence, but limited external alignment with the prevailing political and economic system, and little State capacity to increase the financing of public enterprises and their coverage. The contents of the proposal do not show sufficient facilitating conditions to reasonably suggest political and economic feasibility in terms of legal approval and effective implementation of the proposed reform.

O sistema de saúde do Chile alcançou grande desenvolvimento e cobertura nacional, mas continua tendo limitações organizacionais que demandam uma reforma estrutural urgente, devido à insuficiência de recursos e do desempenho, com segmentação e iniquidades. O programa do governo para o período 2022-2026 propõe uma reforma substancial com vistas a criar um sistema de saúde universal. Há outras propostas de reforma, formuladas por diversos programas e comissões governamentais e centros de estudo, que fornecem contribuições úteis para contextualizar a proposta do governo. Diferentes tipos de modelos coexistem no sistema de saúde, pois o seguro público é do tipo previdenciário, o sistema assistencial público oferece atendimento gratuito às pessoas que têm seguro público, e os planos e operadoras de assistência privada seguem uma lógica de mercado. A proposta seria um sistema nacional de saúde que combinaria um serviço nacional de saúde predominantemente estatal (modelo de Beveridge) com um sistema de seguridade social (modelo de Bismarck) complementar, conforme a necessidade de financiamento. Com base em uma abordagem de avaliação de projetos sociais, foram analisados os critérios de relevância (coerência interna e consistência externa) e de viabilidade política e econômica do conteúdo do programa do governo. A proposta tem coerência interna, mas pouca consistência externa com o sistema político e econômico predominante, e o Estado tem capacidade limitada para aumentar o financiamento e a cobertura das empresas públicas. O conteúdo da proposta não permite identificar condições facilitadoras suficientes para sustentar um nível razoável de viabilidade política e econômica da aprovação legal e implementação efetiva da reforma proposta.

J Clin Neurol ; 19(6): 558-564, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37488959


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We performed a population-based study to determine the prevalence and incidence of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) in South Korea using data from the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) database. METHODS: Data recorded in the HIRA database between January 2016 and December 2020 were analyzed. The inclusion criteria in this study for patients with CIDP were a diagnostic code of G61.8 in the seventh and eighth revision of the Korean Standard Classification of Disease and a >3-month history of oral immunosuppressant use. The age-adjusted incidence rate and prevalence of CIDP in South Korea were also analyzed. RESULTS: CIDP was newly diagnosed in 953 patients during the study period. The mean age at diagnosis was 58.36 years, and the male-to-female ratio was 1.74. The age-adjusted incidence rates were 0.22, 0.21, 0.23, 0.30, and 0.25 per 100,000 person-years in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, respectively. The age-adjusted prevalence was estimated at 1.16 per 100,000 persons in 2020. Age and the Elixhauser Comorbidity Index were associated with the in-hospital mortality of patients with CIDP. Infection and cardiovascular disease (CVD) were also significantly associated with the in-hospital mortality of those patients. Acute-onset CIDP was initially diagnosed in an estimated 101 out of 953 patients with CIDP. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence and incidence rates of CIDP in South Korea were comparable between this nationwide cohort study and previous studies. Common comorbidities such as CVD and diabetes should be appropriately monitored in patients with CIDP to prevent a poor prognosis and socioeconomic burden.

Acta méd. peru ; 40(2)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519941


Objetivo : Determinar el impacto del aseguramiento en salud en la economía de los hogares peruanos en el periodo 2010-2019. Materiales y Métodos : Estudio analítico transversal, que utilizó la base de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares de los años 2010, 2014 y 2019 para analizar el impacto del aseguramiento en salud en términos de gasto de bolsillo en salud, gasto catastrófico y empobrecimiento de los hogares peruanos, así como determinar qué otros factores se encuentran asociados. Resultados : Durante el periodo de estudio se observó que los hogares peruanos presentaron una disminución del gasto de bolsillo en salud promedio mensual (S/.119,9 en 2010 a S/.107,9 en 2019), así como del porcentaje de hogares con gasto catastrófico en salud (4,06 % en 2010 a 3,47 % en 2019) y del porcentaje de hogares que empobrecen por gastos de bolsillo en salud (1,78 % en 2010 a 1,51 % en 2019). Los factores asociados al gasto catastrófico en salud y al empobrecimiento fueron el menor nivel de escolaridad del jefe del hogar, la presencia de miembros con enfermedad crónica y el área de residencia rural. La ausencia de aseguramiento en salud se asoció significativamente a un mayor riesgo de gasto de bolsillo en salud catastrófico, mas no al empobrecimiento. Conclusiones : El aumento de la cobertura de aseguramiento en salud contribuye a la protección financiera de los hogares peruanos frente al gasto de bolsillo en salud; sin embargo, las barreras para el acceso efectivo a los servicios de salud y otros factores socioeconómicos pueden limitar significativamente su impacto.

Objective : To determine the impact of health insurance in the economy of Peruvian households during the 2010-2019 period. Material and Methods : This is a cross-sectional analytical study that used the database of the National Peruvian Household Surveys from years 2010, 2014, and 2019, aiming to analyze the impact of health insurance in terms of pocket money spending for health issues, catastrophic healthcare spending, and impoverishment in Peruvian households, and also to determine the presence of other associated factors. Results : During the study period, it was observed that Peruvian households reduced their monthly average pocket money spending for health issues (119.9 PEN in 2010 and 107.9 PEN in 2029), as well as the percentage of household with catastrophic healthcare expenses (4.06% in 2010 to 3.47% in 2019), and the percentage of households who became impoverished because of pocket money expenses for health issues (1.78% in 2020 to 1.51% in 2019). Factors associated to catastrophic healthcare expenses and to impoverishment were lower educational level for the household leader, the presence of family members with chronic diseases, and living in a rural area. The absence of health insurance was significantly associated to a greater risk for catastrophic healthcare expenses, but not to impoverishment. Conclusions : Increased healthcare insurance coverage contributes to financial protection of Peruvian households against pocket money spending for health issues; however, barriers for effective access to healthcare services, and other socioeconomical factors may significantly limit this impact.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e123, 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515492


RESUMEN El sistema de salud en Chile ha logrado un gran desarrollo y cobertura nacional, pero mantiene limitaciones organizacionales que hacen necesaria una reforma estructural impostergable, debido a deficiencia de recursos y desempeño, con segmentación e inequidad. El programa gubernamental 2022-2026 plantea una reforma sustancial para crear un sistema universal de salud. Existen otras propuestas de reforma elaboradas por diversos programas y comisiones gubernamentales y centros de estudio, que aportan insumos útiles para contextualizar la propuesta gubernamental. Diversos tipos de modelos coexisten en el sistema de salud, pues el seguro público es de tipo seguridad social, el sistema asistencial público provee atención gratis a los asegurados públicos, y los seguros y proveedores asistenciales privados tienen modalidad de mercado. El sistema propuesto sería de tipo de sistema nacional de salud, en el que se combinan una modalidad predominante de servicio nacional de salud (tipo Beveridge) estatal con un sistema de seguridad social (tipo Bismarck) complementario, según la necesidad de financiamiento. Bajo un enfoque de evaluación de proyectos sociales, se revisaron los criterios de pertinencia (coherencia interna y consistencia externa) y de factibilidad política y económica de los contenidos del programa gubernamental. La propuesta tiene coherencia interna, aunque una consistencia externa limitada con el sistema político y económico predominante, y escasa capacidad del Estado para aumentar el financiamiento y la cobertura de empresas públicas. El contenido de la propuesta no permite identificar que existan suficientes condiciones facilitadoras para sustentar una factibilidad política y económica razonable de aprobación legal e implementación efectiva de la reforma propuesta.

ABSTRACT The health system in Chile is well developed, with broad national coverage. However, organizational limitations necessitate urgent structural reform due to a lack of resources and poor performance, with segmentation and inequity. The government's program for 2022-2026 proposes substantial reforms aimed at creating a universal health system. Other reform proposals formulated by various government programs and commissions, as well as think tanks, provide useful inputs to contextualize the government proposal. Different types of models coexist in the health system: public insurance is based on a social security model, the public system provides free care to the insured population, and private insurance and private care providers work on a market basis. The proposed system would function on the national health system model, combining a predominant national health service (Beveridge model) with a complementary social security system (Bismarck model), depending on the need for funding. With a focus on social project evaluation, the relevance (internal coherence and external alignment) and political and economic feasibility of the contents of the government program were reviewed. The proposal has internal coherence, but limited external alignment with the prevailing political and economic system, and little State capacity to increase the financing of public enterprises and their coverage. The contents of the proposal do not show sufficient facilitating conditions to reasonably suggest political and economic feasibility in terms of legal approval and effective implementation of the proposed reform.

RESUMO O sistema de saúde do Chile alcançou grande desenvolvimento e cobertura nacional, mas continua tendo limitações organizacionais que demandam uma reforma estrutural urgente, devido à insuficiência de recursos e do desempenho, com segmentação e iniquidades. O programa do governo para o período 2022-2026 propõe uma reforma substancial com vistas a criar um sistema de saúde universal. Há outras propostas de reforma, formuladas por diversos programas e comissões governamentais e centros de estudo, que fornecem contribuições úteis para contextualizar a proposta do governo. Diferentes tipos de modelos coexistem no sistema de saúde, pois o seguro público é do tipo previdenciário, o sistema assistencial público oferece atendimento gratuito às pessoas que têm seguro público, e os planos e operadoras de assistência privada seguem uma lógica de mercado. A proposta seria um sistema nacional de saúde que combinaria um serviço nacional de saúde predominantemente estatal (modelo de Beveridge) com um sistema de seguridade social (modelo de Bismarck) complementar, conforme a necessidade de financiamento. Com base em uma abordagem de avaliação de projetos sociais, foram analisados os critérios de relevância (coerência interna e consistência externa) e de viabilidade política e econômica do conteúdo do programa do governo. A proposta tem coerência interna, mas pouca consistência externa com o sistema político e econômico predominante, e o Estado tem capacidade limitada para aumentar o financiamento e a cobertura das empresas públicas. O conteúdo da proposta não permite identificar condições facilitadoras suficientes para sustentar um nível razoável de viabilidade política e econômica da aprovação legal e implementação efetiva da reforma proposta.

Rev. direito sanit ; 22(2): e0018, 20221230.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419259


Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar as representações sociais do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo sobre o direito à internação psiquiátrica no sistema de saúde brasileiro. Os dados foram coletados do sítio eletrônico do tribunal paulista, a partir de 184 acórdãos de ações julgadas em segunda instância, proferidos em razão de recursos de apelação e publicados no período de janeiro de 1998 a dezembro de 2012, referentes às internações psiquiátricas pleiteadas no Sistema Único de Saúde e no sistema de saúde suplementar. Os métodos empregados para análise dos resultados foram a estatística descritiva e o discurso do sujeito coletivo. Aplicou-se, ainda, a Teoria das Representações Sociais como referencial teórico de interpretação dos discursos elaborados. No Sistema Único de Saúde, a internação reclamada em juízo foi a compulsória, representada, majoritariamente, como medida de proteção da dignidade da pessoa com transtorno mental e, minoritariamente, como violência contra essa mesma dignidade. No sistema suplementar, a representação judicial assumiu o enfoque consumerista, consubstanciado na abusividade da cláusula limitativa da internação psiquiátrica e no direito superior à vida. O direito à saúde, vislumbrado nas decisões judiciais, resumiu-se ao direito de acesso aos serviços de saúde e ao direito à doença. A compreensão do Poder Judiciário, nos dois sistemas investigados, foi a do direito à saúde como o direito ao bem de saúde pleiteado em juízo, o que coloca muitos desafios para os sistemas de saúde e para o Poder Judiciário frente à consolidação dos ideais da reforma psiquiátrica estatuída pela Lei n. 10.216/2001.

The current research sought to present the social representations of judges from the São Paulo Court of Justice about the law regarding psychiatric admissions. Data were collected through the court website, from 184 judgments including all the decisions published between January 1998, and December 2012, regarding psychiatric admissions claimed to both the Brazilian Public Health System, and the private insurance health system. As methods, the author used descriptive statistics and the collective subject speech. The Social Representations Theory was applied as a theoretical framework to interpret the collected speeches. Considering Brazilian Public Health System, the admissions claimed on the court were compulsory and judges presented the psychiatric admissions, mostly, as a protection measure of people with mental disorders dignity and, at a lower degree, as a violence against this same dignity. With respect to the private insurance health system, the judicial representation was related to the consumerist approach, supported by the abuse of a clause restricting the time for psychiatric admissions and its contradiction with the right to life. The right to health was characterized in the decisions as the right of access to health services and the right to be ill. The comprehension of the judges in both investigated systems related the right to health to the right to a health as a good claimed in court, imposing many challenges to health systems and the Judiciary Power in order to consolidate the principles of the psychiatric reform brought by Law n. 10.216/2001.

Planes de Salud de Prepago , Tratamiento Psiquiátrico Involuntario , Internamiento Obligatorio del Enfermo Mental
Salud pública Méx ; 64(1): 5-13, ene.-feb. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432343


Abstract: Objective: To describe the burden of colorectal cancer (CRC) in Mexico and understand mortality patterns based on sex, geography, and insurance status. Materials and methods: Mortality data (1998-2018) from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía was obtained. We included colon (C18.0, C18.2-18.9) and rectal cancer ICD-10 codes (C19, C20), and estimated age-standardized national, state-level and health insurance mortality rates. We estimated the average annual percent change using joinpoint regression. Results: Between 1998 and 2018, the observed women and men mortality rate increased annually by 1.3 and 2.7%, respectively. Higher CRC mortality was observed in northern and more urbanized states and in groups with greater access to health insurance, which currently facilitates but does not routinely cover screening. Conclusion: CRC mortality in Mexico is increasing rapidly, with marked differences based on sex, geography, and insurance status. Our findings underscore potential benefits of increased investment in comprehensive screening, diagnosis, and treatment strategies for the general population.

Resumen: Objetivo: Describir la carga del cáncer colorrectal (CCR) en México y patrones de mortalidad según sexo, geografía y servicios de salud. Material y métodos: Se obtuvieron datos de mortalidad (1998-2018) del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía. Se incluyeron códigos CIE-10 de cáncer de colon (C18.0,C18.2-18.9) y recto (C19,C20). Se estimaron tasas de mortalidad nacionales, estatales y por servicio de salud, estandarizadas por edad. Se estimó el cambio porcentual anual promedio usando regresión joinpoint. Resultados: Entre 1998-2018, la tasa de mortalidad aumentó anualmente 1.3% en mujeres y 2.7% en hombres. Se observó mayor mortalidad por CCR en estados del norte, más urbanizados y con afiliación a servicios de salud que actualmente facilitan pero no cubren rutinariamente la detección. Conclusión: La mortalidad por CCR en México está aumentando rápidamente, con diferencias por sexo, geografía y afiliación. Los presentes hallazgos destacan los beneficios potenciales de mayor inversión en estrategias integrales de detección, diagnóstico y tratamiento para la población.

Phys Ther ; 102(1)2022 01 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34723327


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the ability of the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care "6-Clicks" Basic Mobility Short Form to predict patient discharge destination (home vs postacute care [PAC] facility) from the cardiac intensive care unit (ICU), including patients from the cardiothoracic surgical ICU and coronary care unit. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study utilized electronic medical records of patients in cardiac ICU (n = 359) in an academic teaching hospital in the southeastern region of United States from September 1, 2017, through August 31, 2018. RESULTS: The median interquartile range age of the sample was 68 years (75-60), 55% were men, the median interquartile range 6-Clicks score was 16 (20-12) at the physical therapist evaluation, and 79% of the patients were discharged to home. Higher score on 6-Clicks indicates improved function. A prediction model was constructed based on a machine learning approach using a classification tree. The classification tree was constructed and evaluated by dividing the sample into a train-test split using the Leave-One-Out cross-validation approach. The classification tree split the data into 4 distinct groups along with their predicted outcomes. Patients with a 6-Clicks score >15.5 and a score between 11.5 and 15.5 with primary insurance other than Medicare were discharged to home. Patients with a 6-Clicks score between 11.5 and 15.5 with Medicare insurance and those with a score ≤11.5 were discharged to a PAC facility. CONCLUSION: Patients with lower 6-Clicks scores were more likely to be discharged to a PAC facility. Patients without Medicare insurance had to be significantly lower functioning, as indicated by lower 6-Clicks scores for PAC facility placement than those with Medicare insurance. IMPACT: The ability of 6-Clicks along with primary insurance to determine discharge destination allows for early discharge planning from cardiac ICUs.

Rehabilitación Cardiaca/métodos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Evaluación de Resultado en la Atención de Salud , Alta del Paciente , Atención Subaguda , Anciano , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estados Unidos
Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res ; 22(4): 627-636, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525899


BACKGROUND: Potentially inappropriate prescriptions (PIPs) in the older population remain a growing public health concern due to the many associated adverse events increasing healthcare service use and health costs. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and direct costs of PIPs in older adults aged ≥65 years in France. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017 using a representative sample of the French national healthcare reimbursement system database. PIPs were defined using the French REMEDI[e]S tool. Overall reimbursed direct costs and by PIP category were extrapolated to the French older population. RESULTS: The overall PIP prevalence was estimated at 56.7% (95% CI: 56.4-57.0). Medications with an unfavorable benefit/risk ratio had the highest prevalence (34.0%, 95% CI: 33.7-34.3). Direct costs associated with PIPs represented 6.3% of the total reimbursed medication costs in 2017 (€507 million). Drug duplications were the main contributors to these costs (39.2% of the total reimbursed PIP costs, €199 million) and among all PIPs, proton pump inhibitors (>8 weeks) were the most expensive PIPs (€152 million). CONCLUSIONS: PIP prevalence is still high among French older adults, with substantial direct costs. Large-scale interventions targeting the most prevalent and/or costly PIPs are needed to reduce their clinical and economic impacts.

Prescripción Inadecuada , Prescripciones , Anciano , Estudios Transversales , Francia , Humanos , Prevalencia
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-996014


With the explosive growth of " City-customized Medical Insurance" products, the voice of commercial health insurance needs medical insurance data support is increasing.The authors took " City-customized Medical Insurance" as the representative of commercial health insurance, analyzed the demands and motivations of stakeholders in medical insurance data sharing through the power-interest matrix model, and summarized the medical insurance data sharing path at the commercial insurance product design end and claim settlement end. It is suggested to strengthen the top-level design, build the implementation path of standardized sharing of medical insurance data and the operation mechanism of hospital data docking, to realize the value increment of all stakeholders.

JMIR Hum Factors ; 8(4): e27628, 2021 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34698647


BACKGROUND: Two barriers to effective enrollment decisions are low health insurance literacy and lack of knowledge about how to choose a plan. To remedy these issues, digital decision aids have been used to increase the knowledge of plan options and to guide the decision process. Previous research has shown that the way information is presented in a decision aid can impact consumer choice, and existing health insurance decision aids vary in their design, content, and layout. Commercial virtual benefits counselors (VBCs) are digital decision aids that provide decision support by mimicking the guidance provided by an in-person human resources (HR) counselor, whereas more traditional HR websites provide information that requires self-directed navigation through the system. However, few studies have compared how decision processes are impacted by these different methods of providing information. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine how individuals interact with two different types of health insurance decision aids (guided VBCs that mimic conversations with a real HR counselor and self-directed HR websites that provide a broad range of detailed information) to make employer-provided health insurance decisions. METHODS: In total, 16 employees from a local state university completed a user study in which they made mock employer-provided health insurance decisions using 1 of 2 systems (VBC vs HR website). Participants took part in a retrospective think-aloud interview, cued using eye-tracking data to understand decision aid interactions. In addition, pre- and postexperiment measures of literacy and knowledge and decision conflict and usability of the system were also examined. RESULTS: Both the VBC and HR website had positive benefits for health insurance knowledge and literacy. Previous health insurance knowledge also impacted how individuals used decision aids. Individuals who scored lower on the pre-experiment knowledge test focused on different decision factors and were more conflicted about their final enrollment decisions than those with higher knowledge test scores. Although both decision aids resulted in similar changes in the Health Insurance Literacy Measure and knowledge test scores, perceived usability differed. Website navigation was not intuitive, and it took longer to locate information, although users appreciated that it had more details; the VBC website was easier to use but had limited information. Lower knowledge participants, in particular, found the website to be less useful and harder to use than those with higher health insurance knowledge. Finally, out-of-pocket cost estimation tools can lead to confusion when they do not highlight the factors that contribute to the cost estimate. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that health insurance decision aids help individuals improve their confidence in selecting and using health insurance plans. However, previous health insurance knowledge plays a significant role in how users interact with and benefit from decision aids, even when information is presented in different formats.

F1000Res ; 10: 563, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36225240


Background: The National Health Insurance (NHI) program is the Indonesian government's national health program. However, health insurance coverage has not been maximized. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with health insurance coverage in Indonesia.   Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional data were obtained from the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey 2017. A total of 39,580 respondents were selected using two-stage stratified cluster sampling. The data come from the DHS Questionnaire Phase 7. In this study, we explored age, education level, wealth quintiles, residence, the number of children who are alive, marital status, current employment status, earnings, and health insurance status in relation to health insurance coverage. Then, we analyzed the data using chi-squared and binary logistic analyses.   Results: The prevalence of health insurance coverage in the Indonesian population is 62.3%. Respondent aged 15-24 years [AOR=0.88; 95% CI=0.77-1.00], secondary education level [AOR=0.44; 95% CI=0.41-0.47], poorer wealth index [AOR=0.76; 95% CI=0.71-0.82], live in rural area [AOR=0.78; 95% CI=0.75-0.82], divorced [AOR=0.72; 95% CI=0.63-0.83] were less likelihood to have health insurance. Conversely, the respondent who received earnings [AOR=1.25; 95% CI=1.18-1.32] was more likely to have health insurance.  Conclusion: This finding pointed to education level, economic status, and demographic area such as respondents who lived in rural areas should more pay attention to NHI. Intervention through the provision of appropriate information about NHI should be promoted.

Programas Nacionales de Salud , Niño , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Indonesia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores Socioeconómicos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-912817


Objective:To analyze the filing mechanism for cross provincial immediate reimbursement of medical insurance in China, so as to provide reference for optimizing the filing mechanism and improving the filing accessibility of insured personnel.Methods:Taking the filing policy of cross provincial immediate reimbursement of medical insurance in 2019 as the research object, on the basis of a comprehensive understanding of the national filing policy background, 90 coordinating regions in Zhejiang Province, Hubei Province and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region were taken as survey samples to evaluate the relevant policies and extract key parameters, including filing identification methods, filing-related settlement benefits and filing ways. The parameters were compared and analyzed by using descriptive statistical methods.Results:The results of the survey showed that in terms of identity recognition methods, the provision of various supporting materials(residence permit, work certificate, etc.)was still the main way to carry out identity recognition for medical insured persons in different places.Filing-related reimbursement benefits were mainly adjusted by limiting the area of medical insurance treatment and adjusting the benefits parameters(reimbursement ratio). In terms of filing channels, 51(56.7%)sample co-ordination areas had realized at least one remote filing mode.Conclusions:The inclusiveness of filing identity verification mechanism for the floating population needs to be further improved, the filing-related treatment policies need to be further improved, and the convenience and standardization of filing channels need to be strengthened.

Rheumatol Adv Pract ; 4(2): rkaa033, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33134811


OBJECTIVE: Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disease often accompanied by comorbidities, including metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases and depression. Up to 41% of psoriasis patients develop psoriatic arthritis (PsA), making it one of the most relevant manifestations. A large health claims data set was analysed to determine the rate of PsA development in psoriasis patients. Furthermore, comorbid disease profiles of psoriasis patients with or without PsA were compared, and potential risk factors for the development of PsA were identified. METHODS: This was a non-interventional, retrospective analysis of anonymized insurance health claims data using a subset of the Institute of Applied Health Research Berlin (InGef) database. The primary outcome was the prevalence and incidence of diagnosed PsA among psoriasis patients in Germany. Risk factors for the development of PsA in psoriasis patients were determined by conditional logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The cumulative percentage of patients with existing psoriasis developing concomitant PsA over 4 years was 3.44%, with a mean time to diagnosis of PsA of 1.5 years. Psoriasis patients diagnosed with acute rheumatism (odds ratio: 2.93, 95% CI = 1.76, 4.86; P < 0.001) or pain in unspecific joints (odds ratio: 1.74, 95% CI = 1.01, 2.99; P = 0.047) showed an increased risk for development of PsA later on. Interestingly, fewer than half of the patients with concomitant PsA consulted a rheumatologist. CONCLUSIONS: Unspecific arthritic symptoms are likely to precede PsA diagnoses and can develop soon after onset of psoriasis, with accumulating risk over time. There is a high unmet need for early rheumatological assessment of psoriasis patients.

Health Policy ; 124(9): 959-964, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32616313


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of managed entry agreements (MEAs) in Belgium. METHODS: All Belgian MEAs signed between 2010 and 2015 (n = 71) were studied, including the re-evaluations of 16 reimbursement requests for which the initial MEA had ended. The analysis was supported by the findings from a systematic literature review and structured interviews with Belgian stakeholders. RESULTS: The current application of MEAs provides the short-term advantage of getting a positive reimbursement decision with lower confidential prices. However, it is not clear whether the negotiated prices are in line with the added value of the interventions. Furthermore, the contracts do not provide incentives for manufacturers to gather evidence or to set public prices at an acceptable level. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our analysis of the Belgian MEAs and discussions with Belgian stakeholders, an overview of various issues and pitfalls related to the current application of the system is given. Recommendations are made related to providing correct incentives to deliver good evidence, establishing a correct link between identified uncertainties/problems and the type and content of the MEA, reducing the risk of making the system non-transparent, the importance of international collaboration, etc. in order to optimize the potential of this system. These recommendations are addressed to both the Belgian policymakers and stakeholders in other countries making use of MEAs.

Industria Farmacéutica , Bélgica , Humanos , Incertidumbre
Arch Womens Ment Health ; 23(5): 699-707, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32394399


The prevention of relapses and the treatment of depression during pregnancy are difficult challenges. The maintenance of antidepressants in pregnancy with its concomitant risks to mother and child needs to be weighed against those associated with not treating the disease. This study aimed at quantifying the impact of the occurrence of pregnancy on the course of antidepressant treatment among newly treated women (< 6 months). We performed a comparative observational cohort study using the nationwide French reimbursement healthcare system database. Women who conceived in 2014 and initiated an antidepressant at any time in the 6 months before pregnancy were compared with nonpregnant women newly exposed to antidepressants with matching on age, antidepressant exposure, history of psychiatric disorders, and area of residence. The primary outcome was a composite of antidepressant discontinuation, switch to another antidepressant, and concomitant use of antidepressants. The secondary outcome was the resumption of antidepressant during follow-up. We used Cox marginal proportional hazards models to compare time to outcomes between pregnant and nonpregnant women. The pregnant cohort included 6593 women, and the comparison cohort 29,347 nonpregnant women. In the period following the first month of treatment, pregnant women were more likely to experience treatment modification, and especially to stop receiving it, compared with nonpregnant women (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 1.58; 95%CI, 1.51-1.62). Pregnant women who discontinued treatment had a 41% decreased incidence of antidepressant resumption compared with nonpregnant women (aHR 0.59; 95%CI, 0.56-0.62). Pregnancy was a determinant of antidepressant treatment modification, and especially of discontinuation.

Antidepresivos/uso terapéutico , Depresión/tratamiento farmacológico , Cumplimiento de la Medicación/estadística & datos numéricos , Complicaciones del Embarazo/tratamiento farmacológico , Inhibidores Selectivos de la Recaptación de Serotonina/uso terapéutico , Adulto , Estudios de Cohortes , Femenino , Francia , Humanos , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo/psicología